Creation / Evolution

Where'd we come from anyway?

Biting the Apple in the Garden of Eden

How do you explain to a child where he came from. Do you start with a scientific expaination of the reproduction process of the joining of the sperm and the egg into a single cell that begins to multiply, nourished by the host mothers own bodily fluids and dividing and going through stages of development that include having a tail and paws. Or wouldn't it just be easier to say something like "the stork flew over and brought you to us." Often it is easier to explain in simple terms or even invent a scenario that attempts to rationalize a complex set of development. The story of Adam and Eve is classic mythology that attempts to answer in a simple fashion a very complex question that has always haunted man.

Where did mankind begin? Evolution being what it is, makes it difficult to say with great precision, just when humans became human. There is a long line of physical evidence that shows millions of years of development, not the several thousand counted in the bible.

All life on this planet is related and intertwined. We have common roots. A quick study of animal physiology confirms that we are wired and glued together almost indentical to most of the other mammals, reptiles and even aquatic life forms.

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